Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Spiderweb Colorwheel Extravaganza Quilt!!!!!!

I'm blogging! I can hardly believe it myself. It's been a whole year since I've written a post. I'm not certain whether I'll be back often or not, but I've listened to all of your sweet replys on Instagram and I'm going to at least try to get back to this space to record the bigger crafting events of my life. And if there was ever a 'big' crafting event, this is one. This quilt is FOUR YEARS in the making!

It was 100% inspired by this beauty by the talented Aneela Hoey. I decided this was the perfect opportunity to cut into my stash of Denyse Schmidt fabrics and use all of her lines in one quilt - which at the time was just Flea Market Fancy, Katie Jump Rope and Hope Valley. I love how they all work together. You can find a great Spiderweb tutorial here.

This quilt is pretty big - about 60 x 72. Originally I had intended on making it big enough for our king sized bed but honestly I ran out of steam and just decided that finished was better than ginormous. Plus I really wanted to quilt it myself.

I went for an echo of the stars on the background fabric and a big loopy flower motif on the spiderwebs. My quilting is far from perfect but I'm getting better and gaining more confidence with every quilt.

As you can see my piecing is far from perfect too. Accuracy is another thing I get better with as time goes on but after five years of quilting under my belt I've realized it's never going to be my strong point. And you know what? It's not important. I get fussed over many things in life, believe me, but in my sewing I'd rather spend my time pouring over exciting fabric combinations and learning new things than trying to attain perfection. I'm calling it "handmade charm" ;)

I love, love, love this quilt. Definitely one of my favorites I've made to date. 

Thank you all so much for taking the time to come over and visit me after this long hiatus. As a thank you, I'd like to do a little giveaway! Just leave a comment here and on Friday I'll randomly choose someone to send a big scrap bag of some of my most beloved fabrics (I'm talking rare Japanese imports, Liberty of London, out-of-print Heather Ross here people!) and a skein of yarn from my very favorite dyer, The Plucky Knitter. Please make sure I have a way to contact you! Happy Sewing and see you soon (I promise!)


  1. I am so glad you powered through on this quilt! I have loved watching it come together over the years. I think I found your blog right around the time you started this quilt! My favorite quilt of yours for sure! :)

  2. This quilt was well worth the wait! It is amazing!

  3. It's a beautiful quilt - congratulations on the big finish!

  4. I love this quilt, it's been a favorite watching it come together. But I'm still a little intimidated by it!

  5. Welcome back! This quilt is AMAZING! I made a small version of the spider web quilt and decided that was enough for me! Cudos to you for making one so big!!

  6. Gorgeous quilt!!!! Thanks for sharing...and for the chance to win such a fabulous giveaway!

  7. This quilt is simply stunning. Truly. I've had a spiderweb quilt and a rainbow quilt on my must make list for quite some time. I'll definitely be coming back to this one for inspiration. Thank you for sharing, Megan!

  8. Your quilt is gorgeous love the bright colors.

  9. This is so beautiful and awesome! I love what you said about perfect piecing--I feel the same way. I hope you keep blogging bc I love all your work!

  10. What a lovely quilt! And I love reading your blog post:)

  11. This quilt is amazing!! The colours and fabrics are stunning. I'm not surprised it took so long to make, those blocks are time consuming!! I hope you treat us to more blog posts soon!!

  12. A quilt that took 4 years definitely deserves a blog post! It's gorgeous.

  13. Way to hang in there and finish! It is such an achievement!

  14. This is the quilt that inspired me to get back into quilting. Amazing, Megan! <3

  15. This is a such amazing quilt! Totally so inspirational and gorgeous! I wish a day to make one and you are my total inspiration!! Oh.. Love this quilt over last months that you share... thank you!

  16. It's gorgeous! I love your thinking on piecing! I'm not the greatest either but if I pick over it I just get frustrated and quilting is my way of destressing.

  17. This is so, so beautiful! I never got past 12 blocks when I made a spiderweb quilt, so I am totally impressed :)

  18. The quilt is amazing! Well worth the time.

  19. I totally agree about the "handmade charm" aspect of quilting. I'm a perfectionist and I'm learning to let go and just enjoy the process of quilting because I honestly do love it. Your quilt is gorgeous and I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing. If I happen to win, email me at dixielandcrafts @ yahoo . com ;)

  20. Absolutely adore this quilt!!! Rainbow perfection!!!!

  21. Glad you wrote a post and showed us a bit more of this amazing quilt! Fantastic work

  22. So happy you did a blog post on this incredible beauty. It's one I want to copy for sure!

  23. Glad you took the time to blog this! It is gorgeous!! Love it! Congrats on a gorgeous finish:)

  24. I LOVE this quilt! 😘😘😘

  25. Oh my gosh! This quilt is gorgeous!!!! I'm so glad you came back to show it off :)

  26. This quilt is beautiful! It's really inspiring me to work on some of my unfinished projects! :) great work! And I'm a new reader to your blog, but I always enjoy seeing your Instagram posts.

  27. Welcome back! The spiderweb is on my (never ending) to do list, but I don't know if I'm disciplined enough to do it in rainbow order. Seems like scrappy is just how I roll. Thanks for an opportunity to win what sounds like an awesome giveaway!

  28. Wow! This is a beautiful quilt.
    Thanks for sharing.

  29. Welcome back. We all need those blogging breaks once in awhile !!

  30. You blogged! YAY! This quilt is beyond gorgeous and I love how your quilting turned out on it :-)

  31. It's beautiful! I remember when you started this one so it's great to see it finished after all this time :)

  32. That is a truly beautiful quilt! Found you via a friend on instagram, hope to see more posts!

  33. What an amazing beautiful quilt! I love it! I love color! It's great to see you blogging again! :-)

  34. You are the second person on IG recently that is inspiring me to start blogging again. And this quilt is amazing! I am also working on a spiderweb quilt, but since it is for me and has no real deadline, it may take four years as well.
    Great work!

  35. Beautiful, beautiful quilt!

  36. Love the quilt!!!! I totally understand the whole blogging thing...... since IG I don't blog as much as I use to.

  37. Yay! It's fabulous! I'm exactly the same as you when it comes to my approach: not perfect but I love the creating, and of course, the enjoyment that comes from something handmade.

  38. Such an awesome quilt. I was so excited to see your post pop-up in my blog feed. And then it was this awesome quilt! Wow. Makes me want to finish a quilt (or two) I've had in the works for years too.

  39. Proud of you, girl!! For finishing this gorgeously amazing quilt and for blogging!! I always enjoy reading your posts and hearing more from you!

  40. This is a beautiful finish. I'm so glad that you took the time to share it with me. I haven't blogged since November. The urge to do so is hovering nearby, just out of my reach. Your post may be just the push I need to get out of my funk. We'll see... ;) wonderlandbyalyce(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. Beautiful. I am like a 2x/month blogger now. You only showed the pink blocks on IG (that I saw, I miss stuff), so I'm really glad you showed the whole thing here!

  42. So beautiful! I'm only working on my first quilt right now (on and off, trying to hand-piece it) and your IG account gives me more quilt inspiration than any other. Love it!

  43. Gorgeous quilt and lovely words! Thank you for taking the time and sharing this with us! Such an amazing finish - 4 years in the making - wow!!

  44. That was a quilt well worth waiting for! Amazing!

  45. Wow! I love how scrappy it is!

  46. love the use of colour makes me smile

  47. I love this quilt. It's beautiful. Thank you for blogging about it.

  48. Wow! What a beauty and accomplishment!

  49. That quilt is amazing! I'm so happy you shared it. And as a quilter and a knitter I'd also be super happy with scraps and some plucky!

  50. Your quilt is beautiful! It's so bright and cheerful, which is funny, because that's not how I would typically describe Denise Schmidt's fabric, but you've proved otherwise. And in a fabulous fashion!

  51. Your quilt is stunning!!! Thanks for sharing your work - it's a great source of inspiration!

  52. Beautiful quilt, thanks for sharing it with us!

  53. Oh how wonderful! Love what you did. Great quilting AND piecing. I'd love your scraps ; )

  54. Oh hello again! I love this quilt and have been admiring it's background starring role in some of your IG posts! It seriously looks bigger than 60 x 72! Brilliant effort and do pop by again...says me who has hardly blogged for the past two years! Ha!

  55. It's gorgeous! Totally worth a blog post :)

  56. What a beautiful quilt.....wonderful work!! Thank you for sharing :)

  57. Glad you are back, and what a way to come back! It really is lovely.

  58. I am so glad you finished!! I have been watching the progress via Instagram. Maybe you don't finish quilts as fast as some but when you do they are epic!!! Love your creations!

  59. your quilt is stunning! what beautiful inspiration!

  60. I have been admiring this for days on instagram! Thanks for blogging about it. Inspirational!!!

  61. Such a beautiful quilt! Thanks for the giveaway. I am a new quilter without much of a stash and would love your scraps!

  62. Love the color graduations in the quilt!

  63. Good to see you back and your quilt is so pretty! I think I need to do one, too!

  64. such a gorgeous quilt! it must feel great to finish it after so long. (also, yay for slow quilting and slow blogging... let's make it a "thing"!)

  65. I absolutely LOVE this quilt!!! It's just so pretty!!

  66. This is an amazingly gorgeous quilt! I have seen you working on it on IG, I'm sure it must feel so nice to have it completed!

    Sabrina S

  67. wow! And what a return it is - this is so beautiful!

  68. And what a comeback it is with that quilt. Absolutely gorgeous. Welcome back - please stay a while.

  69. I love this quilt. I still plan to make a scrappy spiderweb one day ... When I have a few UFOs tidied away.

  70. Yeay!! It is so good to see a post from you! I love your quilting projects and admire the knitting--but don't knit--so I just admire. ;) I hope you'll do a post on your Steam Punk quilt soon. I've been gawking over all of your SP pics on IG since I'm getting ready to start mine soon. If it turns out 1/2 as good as yours is, I'll be lucky!

  71. I'm so glad you've decided to blog about your bigger projects because we love your work!!!! Awesome! Thanks for a great giveaway!!! Jodym7atyahoo.com

  72. I'm so glad your back to posting. I missed seeing your creations, watching your children grow and your wine business succeed. What a lovely quilt - a riot of colour. eliz.i@sympatico.ca

  73. I'm so glad you blogged about this! I drool over all your projects on IG, but it is really nice to hear a bit more about the projects. I think your aesthetic is just impeccable and so unique, I do hope you blog more in the future :) (and if I happen to win, my e-mail is katenearpass at yahoo dot com).

  74. this quilt is stunning!!!! STUNNING!!! It's perfect in every way.

  75. beautiful quilt! and I understand what you mean about trying not to be too concerned with accuracy. I am delighted (with wonder, truth be told) when I notice my seams lining up *just so*, but quilting is the one noticeable area of my life where I am also delighted with how 'off' my seams sometimes are. I want to sew because it warms, challenges and centers me, not to add to my stresses.

  76. Beautiful quilt. Your colors are so beautiful.

  77. Welcome back!!
    I love your quilt - stunning!

  78. Your quilt is beautiful! I'm so glad to see a post from you in my feed. I love instagram but really miss reading blogs and hearing more details about projects. :)

  79. Beautiful quilt! Love the cheery colours!

  80. congrats! it's a beautiful quilt.

  81. Your quilt is stunning! I love it. Thank you for sharing it on your blog. :)

  82. Amazing quilt! Hope to start one soon!

  83. You know I love this quilt. Seriously, all of your quilts are so inspiring and I hope someday I can make one that's half as awesome!

  84. Wow! What an amazing quilt! I too have quite a collection of Denyse Schmidt fabrics that I'm looking for the right project to jump into with. I was really happy to find your post in my feed today. :)

  85. Yay, so glad to see you! Your quilt is amazing, so colorful and happy! Nice work! As always. Take care!

  86. It is amazing! You have such a great eye for your fabric combinations in all of your quilts! Congrats on the finish!

  87. What a beautiful quilt. Congratulations on the finish. Again, just beautiful.

  88. This one is so beautiful-I can see why it is one of your favorites!

  89. Wow! Look at all these comments! I'm not the only one excited to see a blog post from you ! This quilt is stunning. My favorite quilts are always the ones I make with tons of fabrics over a long time. I love how you quilted this too. Nicely done!

  90. Beautiful work, as usual, from you. We've missed you, but we understand. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

  91. Such a fantastic quilt! You make me want to cut into my Flea Market Fancy. I found your quilt (and you) via Pinterest where someone (or many) pinned your quilt photo. Now I'm a new follower and I hope you don't take such a long break from blogging anytime soon.

  92. I love this. One of these days I will make a spiderweb quilt.

  93. OHDANG, woman - this quilt is amazing, PLUS a give-away?? You are fantastic.

  94. Stunning quilt. I love a good rainbow!

  95. So so stunning, if a quilt was ever meant to be an heirloom this is it!

  96. Oh. Oh oh...wow... That is one G o r g e o u s quilt!!! Perfect use of Denyses fabrics...into a colourful and happy quilt! love it!! :0))

  97. Welcome back. The quilt is beautiful

  98. What a gorgeous quilt! Well worth spending four years on :o)

  99. Hi, I wondered where you had been, Good to see you are back now AND what a stunning quilt! Linda NZ

  100. Looks stunning - can't see those areas you talk about from here just the sheer joy of colour and fabric! You are ona journey perfection is at the end of it waiting for you!

  101. Welcome back! We missed you and are glad to see you again.

  102. This is a gorgeous quilt! Thank you for blogging about it!

  103. This quilt is on my to-do list too - yours is beautiful. Glad to see you back on the blog!

  104. Beautiful quilt!! Thanks for sharing, you are inspirational in my quilting world.

  105. Beautiful quilt! And just in case the giveaway is still open -- jones50(at)purdue(dot)edu

  106. Welcome back to your blog with this beautiful finish.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

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